
At an Instructional Leader Professional Development meeting in February, Alpha Plus professionals met with Oklahoma educators from Barnsdall Elementary School. We thank the leaders who joined us for this workshop. Pictured are (from left to right) Alpha Plus CEO Jan Barrick, Principal Leasa Marshall, April Cole, and Ryan McCloud.

Alpha Plus Professional Development is data-driven and job-embedded.  We help train Oklahoma educators on using Alpha Plus common formative and summative benchmark assessments to help identify students' learning gaps in alignment with the Oklahoma Academic Standards (OAS).

Professional Development Materials include:

Rave Reviews: You can read some reviews from our partner educators at https://alphaplus.org/educational-systems///alphaplusresources.com/educational-systems/home/rave-reviews-of-success-with-oas-2

If you would like more information on how Alpha Plus can help your educators identify students' learning gaps and achieve Success with OAS, please do not hesitate to call us at 405-842-8408.